Orchid Island (Lanyu) 蘭嶼

2023年7月27日—OrchidIsland(nottobeconfusedwiththeFijianIslandofthesamename),knowninthelocalTaolanguageasPonsoNoTao(Islandofthe ...

Orchid Island (Lanyu) 蘭嶼

2023年7月27日 — Orchid Island (not to be confused with the Fijian Island of the same name), known in the local Tao language as Ponso No Tao (Island of the ...

  • Lanyu | 台灣好好玩

    Orchid Island (Lanyu) is the most amazing travel destination on the East Coast of Taiwan. Rugged mountains, amazing seaview, Tao aboriginal culture.

  • Lanyu | 台灣好好玩

    2023年2月12日 — Lanyu, or Orchid Island in Taiwan, is a small island off the east coast of the main island of Taiwan. It's home to the Tao people and truly ...

  • Orchid Island | 台灣好好玩

    Lesser Orchid Island is an uninhabited volcanic islet nearby. It is the southernmost point of Taitung County. It is home to a critically endangered endemic ...

  • Orchid Island (Lanyu) | 台灣好好玩

    Like Green Island, Orchid Island (Lanyu) is a volcanic island that was formed of magma erupting from the ocean floor. Because the peaks of the mountains at ...

  • Orchid Island (Lanyu) 蘭嶼 | 台灣好好玩

    2023年7月27日 — Orchid Island (not to be confused with the Fijian Island of the same name), known in the local Tao language as Ponso No Tao (Island of the ...

  • Orchid Island Taiwan | 台灣好好玩

    Orchid Island is the best place for scuba diving in Taiwan. Experience Tao indigenous culture - underground house, canoe and flying fish dish.

  • Orchid Island Travel Guide (蘭嶼旅遊指南) | 台灣好好玩

    2021年2月20日 — It's a popular spot for snorkeling, cliff-jumping and cave diving. The deep pool usually has quite a few aquatic friends swimming around and ...

  • Orchid Island | 台灣好好玩

    2022年12月22日 — Orchid Island (Lanyu or 蘭嶼) is a small volcanic island located 64km off the southeast corner of Taiwan, directly east of Kenting. It is a ...

  • Orchid Island(Lanyu) | 台灣好好玩

    This is a good island if you want to just chill out. It's a little over two hours ferry ride from Fugang Harbor 富岡漁港 in Taitung 台東. Round trip is about ...


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【臺東縣蘭嶼鄉】景點推薦 - 五孔洞旅遊資訊整理


【臺東縣綠島鄉】景點推薦 - 柚子湖旅遊資訊整理


【臺東縣綠島鄉】景點推薦 - 綠洲山莊旅遊資訊整理


【臺東縣綠島鄉】景點推薦 - 綠島梅花鹿生態園區旅遊資訊整理


【臺東縣蘭嶼鄉】景點推薦 - 蘭嶼燈塔旅遊資訊整理


【臺東縣綠島鄉】景點推薦 - 綠島觀音洞旅遊資訊整理


【】景點推薦 - 烏油窟旅遊資訊整理


【臺東縣蘭嶼鄉】景點推薦 - 玉女岩(火把岩)旅遊資訊整理


【臺東縣綠島鄉】景點推薦 - 石朗潛水區旅遊資訊整理


【】景點推薦 - 舊蘭嶼燈塔旅遊資訊整理


【】景點推薦 - 哈巴狗岩旅遊資訊整理


【】景點推薦 - 柴口浮潛區旅遊資訊整理


【臺東縣蘭嶼鄉】景點推薦 - 雙獅岩旅遊資訊整理


【臺東縣綠島鄉】景點推薦 - 國家人權博物館-白色恐怖綠島紀念園區旅遊資訊整理
