Practical information

ThePalaceopensat9:00am,theestateofTrianonopensat12:00pm.TheParkandGardensareopeneveryday.AccesstotheGardensisfreeexceptondaysof ...

Practical information

The Palace opens at 9:00 am, the estate of Trianon opens at 12:00 pm. The Park and Gardens are open every day. Access to the Gardens is free except on days of ...

  • Château de Versailles | 台灣好好玩

    Résidence officielle des rois de France, le château de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et ...

  • Official website | 台灣好好玩

    The Hall of Mirrors, King's Grand Apartments, Museum of the History of France, explore the Château de Versailles, its gardens, the Grand Trianon and ...

  • Plan your visit | 台灣好好玩

    Open every day, the Park and Gardens are free from November to March. · To make the most of your visit at Versailles, plan to spend a full day in the estate.

  • Practical information | 台灣好好玩

    The Palace opens at 9:00 am, the estate of Trianon opens at 12:00 pm. The Park and Gardens are open every day. Access to the Gardens is free except on days of ...

  • The King's State Apartment | 台灣好好玩

    This prestigious series of seven rooms were parade apartment, used for hosting the sovereign's official acts. For this reason, it was bedecked with lavish ...

  • Tickets and prices | 台灣好好玩

    Book online on the official ticketing website. Save time and book your access to the palace with a time slot.

  • 凡尔赛宫 | 台灣好好玩

    凡尔赛宫(Palace of Versailles)是路易十四(Louis XIV)和法国大世纪权力和声誉的象征。1979年3月8日,凡尔赛宫及其园林成为首个被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产 ...

  • 凡爾賽宮 | 台灣好好玩

    凡爾賽宮分別由橘子園、馬廄、宮殿及花園所組成,是君主的最高權力象徵。法國王后瑪麗.安托瓦內特(Queen Marie-Antoinette)以小提亞儂宮用作寢宮,更將這裏的景觀 ...

  • 凡爾賽宮 | 台灣好好玩

    凡爾賽宮有著寢宮、花園、美術收藏庫、辯論場、劇場、情報中心和政治會議室等諸多功能,是一座兼具觀賞性和實用性的宮殿,以金色、藍色和粉橘色為主基調,傾其所能 ...

  • 巴黎凡爾賽宮全攻略》門票購票預約方式交通必看景點 | 台灣好好玩

    ... 凡爾賽宮官網. 交通路線. 火車「RER C線」. 凡爾賽宮位於巴黎交通的第四圈,到凡爾賽宮最方便的方式就是搭乘火車「RER C線」到最後一站「Gare de Versailles Château Rive ...


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